Thursday, December 04, 2014


The digits are sure getting smaller. From 3 digits and now to TWO DIGITS. Which is equivalent to 2 MORE MONTHS. Mak ai, slow down lah sikit. But amidst all the stress and scrimping and saving.. i am actually enjoying all this planning and thinking. And everytime i realise that the day is getting nearer, i get more and more excited. Macam tk sabar nak kahwin.

Anywho.. i finally found some time to call ROMM and ask regarding the Kursus Perkahwinan (Forever forget to book) as we're gg to the verification of documents (which in short is just an interview) soon. And you know what i found out? IT IS NOT COMPULSORY. In exact words; "The kursus is not compulsory but is highly recommended. You will still be able to attend the verification of documents and go through with your solemnization without the kursus and will get the original certificate on the day itself." THE JOY.

Why am i happy? Firstly, i do not have to waste $300, which is a big amount especially since its so close to the wedding. And with me and Fatboy deciding on a budget friendly wedding, its quite a big amount to fork out. Secondly, I do not have to waste one whole day attending the course. Thirdly, i get to save an extra $300. And saving money = happy shasha. There is always other ways to learn whatever they are offering at the course, so i would rather go through that route.

One thing im looking to? THE WEDDING FITTING WITH TWB. Which will be on Monday. Major tak sabar moment. Apart from that excitement, i have yet to receive the amended card design plus my ring design. Cepat2 sikit please, so i can put my mind at ease.

Till next time,
With Love,

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